Genetic Test Collection Instructions



  1. Inside your kit, you should see a swab, liquid vial, and a prepaid return label.
  2. Before you begin your test, please go to to register your vial number. This is found on the liquid vial and is a number sequence beginning with RX. Please fill out all information accurately, as this will be used to prepare your test report. Take a picture of your vial number for your records.
  3. Please avoid eating, especially dairy or citrus, at least 3o minutes before performing the cheek swab.
  4. Please drink water before performing the cheek swab.
  5. Be cautious of your surroundings, as your swab needs to only touch your mouth and nothing else.
  6. Keep in mind that the vial has a small amount of non-toxic liquid inside. Do not spill any, as this preserves your DNA sample.
  7. When you are ready to begin, open the swab and rub the cotton tip against the inside of your cheek. Be vigorous to ensure you have a good sample.
  8. Place the cotton tip of the swab inside the liquid vial. Bend the swab to break off the cotton tip. Close the lid. Please discard the stick of the swab once complete.
  9. Place the liquid vial back into the kit.
  10. Close and tape the box shut.
  11. Place the prepaid return label on the kit.
  12. Mail the kit to us via USPS.
  13. Visit our website for FAQ’s.